Consumers can set up three types of alerts:
- An alert on the account
Consumers can set up time-based notifications on their accounts, these notifications are triggered based on time: daily, weekly, and monthly. A notification will be received based on the elected time frequency. If “daily” has been selected, a daily notification of the status of the account will be sent.
- An alert on the wallet
Consumers can set up time-based notifications on their wallets, these notifications are triggered based on time: daily, weekly, and monthly. A notification will be received based on the elected time frequency. If “daily” has been selected, a daily notification of the status of the account will be sent.
- An alert on the device
Consumers can set up consumption-based notifications on their devices, these notifications are triggered based on utility consumption. If the consumption Configuration is set to 20 kWh on an electric Meter, a notification will be sent for every 20 kWh consumed.
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