Follow the steps below on how to accept the invitation to register.
Step 1: Receive an invitation email from your Organisation. Click the 'Activate' button.
Step 2: WeBill Portal loads.
Step 3: Read the entire 'EULA - End-User License Agreement'.
Step 4: Click the checkbox once you've read the 'EULA - End-User License Agreement' and click the 'Accept' button.
Step 5: Read the entire 'Customer Contract'.
Step 6: Click the checkbox once you've read the 'Customer Contract' and click the 'Accept' button.
Step 7: Register by filling in your credentials in the text fields provided and click the 'Save' button.
Step 8: The token was successfully confirmed, and registration was a success.
Step 9: Log into your Consumer App with your registered credentials.
Step 10: You have successfully logged into your Consumer App once you see the 'Home Screen'.
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